During year 11, students will further develop their knowledge of pregnancy, options and parenthood. Students will be taught about self examination and cancer identifications. There will a further opportunity for students to develop their knowledge of domestic violence, which will include information on seeking help. Students will also discuss the implication and laws surrounding forced marriage. Students will receive guidance on how to access sexual health and support services, including overcoming possible barriers to access.
In Year 11 students will revisit what makes a healthy (sexual) relationship and readiness for a sexual relationship. They will develop the skills and confidence to stand up for their beliefs and choices. They will be able to show respect and empathy for others and advocate for those who are vulnerable. Students will consider the consequences of close relationships including having children and how this will create family ties which impact on their lives and those of others. They will learn about statutory and voluntary organisations which offer support in human relationships e.g. Relate.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
STI’s are revisited in Year 11 in more detail. Students learn about the wide variety of bacterial and viral STI’s: how they are transmitted; their symptoms (or lack of); treatment; complications if left untreated and prevention. Students will know how to access testing services and what’s involved in testing. They will understand that the services are confidential. Barriers such as insecurity and embarrassment, low perceived personal risk and myths about sexual health and family planning clinics are addressed in order to increase confidence in the use of services.
Students understand the importance of delaying parenthood until they are ready, emotionally, educationally and economically. They consider the benefits of a stable marriage or partnership in bringing up children. Students will know the signs of pregnancy, and understand the options available for unplanned pregnancy, including abortion, adoption and the realities of life for young parents. Students will be given information on how to access support services.