PSHCE — Year 11


PSHCE Overview

Term 1: Exam preparation, revision, exam skills and managing stress

In this unit, students will explore a wide variety of revision techniques and be given the opportunity to experiment in order to discover which best suit their style of learning. They will be given the opportunity to create a revision timetable, which will become a working document that is frequently revised. Time management techniques will be discussed.

Tips for remaining physically and emotionally health during the exam period will be discussed and will include; healthy lifestyles, healthy eating, relaxation techniques and sleep routines.

Students will participate in class discussions, debates, and complete a self-assessment following each unit to check their understanding.

A state of mental or emotional strain resulting from difficult or demanding circumstances.

A state of being free from tension and anxiety.

A chemical in the blood. Levels of Cortisol can become elevated in response to physical or psychological stress.

Focussing on your mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.

Having the ability and determination to stick to the goals we set ourselves, even in the face of temptation not to.

Personal Development Plan
A plan we will create and stick to, to help us track and achieve our goals in the different areas we have set for ourselves.

Time management
The idea of having control over how we best use our time, making decisions in advance to use our time most effectively.

Putting things off, delaying or postponing something we need to do.

Active revision
Creating revision materials, testing ourselves, making mind maps, doing practice papers - actively learning and relearning.

Passive revision
Watching documentaries, reading without testing, listening to someone speak about a subject.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Students will develop in a range of areas during this topic, including becoming more aware whilst developing their own understanding and decisions regarding this topic.

Create a supportive community:
Students will be able to recognise positive choices and how negative choices in this topic may affect others and the community around them.

Term 2: Post '16 Options

In this unit, students will further develop their knowledge of post 16 options. Students will be given the opportunity to research and discuss possibilities.

Students will develop an understanding of the college application process and plans beyond school.

Students will explore skills for interviews, employment and career progression.

Students will participate in class discussions, debates, and complete a self-assessment following each unit to check their understanding.

Sixth form
Attached to a secondary school, allows post-16 study, has a unique feel but is still part of the main school.

Further education colleges offer a combination of A-Level, BTEC, T-levels and vocational courses.

Advanced Level qualifications, 2 years

Business and Technology Educational Council, work-related qualifications combining practical learning with subject and theory content.

Curriculum Vitae
Literally meaning 'an account of one's life', this essential document is a potential employers first impression of you on paper, summing up you education, skills and work experience to date.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Students will develop in a range of areas during this topic, including becoming more aware whilst developing their own understanding and decisions regarding this topic.

Create a supportive community:
Students will be able to recognise positive choices and how negative choices in this topic may affect others and the community around them.

Term 4: Extremism and Radicalisation

In this unit, students will further develop their knowledge of on-line grooming. This will be linked to radicalisation and extremism. Students will learn to identify and respond to risks.

Students will participate in class discussions, debates, and complete a self-assessment following each unit to check their understanding.

A cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture.

The unlawful use of violence and intimidation to bring about political or social change.

The action or process of causing someone to adopt radical positions on political or social issues.

Extremist group
A group who believe very strict ideas about how they were superior to particular other types of people in society.

Hate Crime
A crime motivated by racial. sexual or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.

Inciting racial hatred
A crime under UK law, deliberately provoking hatred of a racial group.

Holy War
A war for religious reasons, usually lead by extreme leaders who justify war with texts from holy books.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Students will develop in a range of areas during this topic, including becoming more aware whilst developing their own understanding and decisions regarding this topic.

Create a supportive community:
Students will be able to recognise positive choices and how negative choices in this topic may affect others and the community around them.

Term 3: First Aid and self-examinations

In this unit, students will further develop their knowledge of First Aid and how it can be applied with specific focus on the use of CPR and defibrillators. They will also look in detail about cancer and the importance of self-examinations.

Students will participate in class discussions, debates, and complete a self-assessment following each unit to check their understanding.

First Aid
It is the help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available.

A disease resulting from uncontrolled growth and division of abnormal cells.

Is the action of examining one's own body for signs of illness.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
A medical procedure involving repeated cycles of compression of the chest and artificial respiration, performed to maintain blood circulation and oxygenation in a person who has suffered cardiac arrest.

Cardiac Arrest
A sudden, sometimes temporary, cessation of the heart's functioning.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Students will develop in a range of areas during this topic, including becoming more aware whilst developing their own understanding and decisions regarding this topic.

Create a supportive community:
Students will be able to recognise positive choices and how negative choices in this topic may affect others and the community around them.

Term 5: Practical Revision

In this unit, students will receive practical tips and tricks from all core subjects, with relevance to their upcoming GCSEs. These lessons will provide help with subject-specific ways to revise, highlighting best practice and topics which will be included in their upcoming exam.

Students will self-assess their understanding of revision methods at the end of this unit.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Students will develop in a range of areas during this topic, including becoming more aware whilst developing their own understanding and decisions regarding this topic.

Create a supportive community:
Students will be able to recognise positive choices and how negative choices in this topic may affect others and the community around them.