Term 1: Personal safety, first aid and immunisations
In this unit students will discuss effective ways of staying safe within the community and social situations. Students will learn about basic first aid and consider situations in which they may need to use this. Students will learn more about vaccinations that they may have had in the passed and they will explore different opinions on vaccinations. They will also discuss the HPV vaccination, which will be offered to them later this year.
Students will participate in class discussions, debates, and complete a self-assessment following each unit to check their understanding.
treatment with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; inoculation.
A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.
First Aid
Help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available.
Develop the individual:
Students will develop in a range of areas during this topic, including becoming more aware whilst developing their own understanding and decisions regarding this topic.
Create a supportive community:
Students will be able to recognise positive choices and how negative choices in this topic may affect others and the community around them.
Term 2: Financial Decision Making
In this unit, students will look at financial decision making and how they can become more independent with their money. We will learn how to open a bank account, how to read a bank statement, how to save money and avoid getting into debt, as well as budgeting for things we want.
Students will participate in class discussions, debates, and complete a self-assessment following each unit to check their understanding.
A person who buys goods or services from a shop or business.
A sum of money paid into a bank account.
A sum of money that is borrow and expected to be paid back with interest.
Money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent or loaned.
Bank account
An arrangement with a bank where you can deposit and withdraw money.
Savings Account
An account at a bank designed to hold your money until you have need of it.
Develop the individual:
Students will develop in a range of areas during this topic, including becoming more aware whilst developing their own understanding and decisions regarding this topic.
Create a supportive community:
Students will be able to recognise positive choices and how negative choices in this topic may affect others and the community around them.
Term 3: Culture of Mutual Respect
In this unit students will look at the concept of identity and the factors which determine a person's identity. How people are different and what makes them different (culture, religion, education, personal choices). Students will also look at the right a person has to their identity and if this should ever be taken. Students will focus specifically on prejudice and discrimination in relation to age, disability, religion, gender identity and sexuality. In this unit students will develop their understanding of tolerance in modern day society. They will also explore discrimination, racism and xenophobia and the impact that this can have on individuals and communities.
Students will participate in class discussions, debates, and complete a self-assessment following each unit to check their understanding.
The power to affect other people or things.
Biological traits that you are born with that make you male or female.
Ideas made up by society for what makes you male or female (e.g boys like football)
To prejudge someone with a pre-conceived opinion or bias
To act favourable or unfavourable based on prejudice.
A physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses or activities.
To treat the opposite sex unfairly or differently.
Prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person's age.
To treat people of a different race/culture unfairly or differently.
Develop the individual:
Students will develop in a range of areas during this topic, including becoming more aware whilst developing their own understanding and decisions regarding this topic.
Create a supportive community:
Students will be able to recognise positive choices and how negative choices in this topic may affect others and the community around them.
Term 4: Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
In this unit students will understand the value of an effective family unit but that may take the form of many different groupings, all equally valid. They will explore the role of the parent and what effective parenting is. Students will explore the issues and realities of teenage parenthood. Students will learn why relationships are formed and reasons why they may breakdown including domestic violence. Students will learn about consent and the law. They will also learn about Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), sexting and upskirting.
Students will participate in class discussions, debates, and complete a self-assessment following each unit to check their understanding.
Being accountable for something, being in charge.
Group of people made up of parents and children and sometimes other relations or carers.
Community of people living together in a group or nation.
A Father or Mother who looks after and ensures the well being of their own or others offspring.
To become someone's husband or wife.
Civil partnership
A legally recognised relationship which is registered.
When a married couple make a decision not to be together anymore.
When a married couple are legally no longer bound by marriage.
Intense feeling of loss.
A ceremony in which dead people are cremated or buries.
Gay marriage
Marriage between partners of the same sex.
Domestic violence
Violent or aggressive behaviour within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.
The action or practice of surreptitiously taking photos or videos at an angle so as to see up a persons skirt or dress.
Send (someone) sexually explicit photographs or messages via mobile phone
Develop the individual:
Students will develop in a range of areas during this topic, including becoming more aware whilst developing their own understanding and decisions regarding this topic.
Create a supportive community:
Students will be able to recognise positive choices and how negative choices in this topic may affect others and the community around them.
Term 5: Mental Health and the Rights of the child
In this unit students will develop their understanding of emotional literacy and self esteem. They will consider the positive impact that these can have, particularly during teenage years. Students will develop their understanding of self harm, including the warning signs and where to seek support for both one's self or a friend. Students will learn about body shaming and how this can impact on ones emotional well-being.
In this unit students will also learn about the rights of children both in the UK and in parts of the developing world. Students will consider the impact of conflict and war on children's emotional well-being. Students will discuss different ways of managing loss and grief.
Students will participate in class discussions, debates, and complete a self-assessment following each unit to check their understanding.
People aged between 13 and 19
A time of change for the body.
Chemicals in the body which control different changes.
A problem with 2 or more outcomes.
Deciding on a course of action.
Name given to children growing up.
Post 18.
Where you are, a position you are in.
Finding an answer or way to proceed.
Emotional literacy
The ability to understand and describe feelings.
Body shaming
The action or practice of humiliating someone by making mocking or critical comments about their body shape or size.
Develop the individual:
Students will develop in a range of areas during this topic, including becoming more aware whilst developing their own understanding and decisions regarding this topic.
Create a supportive community:
Students will be able to recognise positive choices and how negative choices in this topic may affect others and the community around them.
Term 6: Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education (DATE)
In this unit students will progress through resources provided by the Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation. They will explore what is meant by healthy living and what is detrimental to their health. They will learn about the health risks of smoking, vaping, taking drugs, alcohol and why people get involved with these habits in the first place. They will develop skills which will support them in being resilient and in feeling confident to say 'no'.
Students will participate in class discussions, debates, and complete a self-assessment following each unit to check their understanding.
Any intoxicating liquor containing this liquid.
Small roll of shredded tobacco in thin paper.
Allowed by law.
Not allowed by law.
To do with money related matters.
The naming of a disease or condition.
State of being drunk or excited.
Something that happens as a result of an event or action.
Being dependent on something e.g. drugs, alcohol, mobile phones
Develop the individual:
Students will develop in a range of areas during this topic, including becoming more aware whilst developing their own understanding and decisions regarding this topic.
Create a supportive community:
Students will be able to recognise positive choices and how negative choices in this topic may affect others and the community around them.