Term 1: Unit 1
In this section you will learn about the following nutrients:
- Protein
- Vitamins; Fat soluble and Water soluble vitamins
- Carbohydrates
- Water
- Fats
In this section you will learn about the following:
- Reasons why food is cooked
- Methods of transferring heat to food; Conduction, convection and radiation
Selecting appropriate cooking methods
Amino acids
the ‘building blocks’ that join together to make protein molecules.
Essential amino acids
amino acids that the body cannot make by itself and must get ready made from food.
Biological value
the number of essential amino acids that a protein food contains.
Protein complementation
eating different LBV foods together in order to get all the essential amino acids that the body needs.
micronutrient that supplies the body with energy.
fats that are liquid at room temperature.
Fatty acids
parts of a fat molecule.
fat molecule.
Monounsaturated fatty acid
fatty acid found in solid fats and liquid oils.
Saturated fatty acids
fatty acids found mainly in solid fats.
Unsaturated fatty acids
fatty acids found mainly in liquid oils.
Visible fats
fats in a food that you can see (e.g. fat on meat)
Invisible fats
fats in a food that you cannot see (e.g. butter in a pastry).
the process where green plants trap energy from the sun and form carbohydrates.
group of carbohydrates that taste sweet.
group of sugars that are made of one sugar molecule.
group of sugars that are made of two sugar molecules.
Polysaccharides (complex carb)
group of carbohydrates that are made from many sugar molecules joined together, but do not taste sweet.
Fat soluble
vitamins that are found in foods containing fats.
Water soluble
vitamins that are found in foods with a high water content.
vitamins that help protect the body from developing heart disease and some types of cancer.
the body has enough water.
the body does not have enough water.
Develop the individual:
Wider understanding of the importance of food both personally, socially and environmentally. Looking particularly at nutrients in their diets and various ways of cooking food for a varied diet.
Create a supportive community:
Students will work together to ensure a safe and clean working environment. Working collaboratively to cook and clean.
Term 4: Food provenance, processing and production. The environmental impact of food production and sustainability.
In this section you will learn about the following:
- Food sources
- Food and the environment
- Sustainability of food
- Food production
- Technological developments associated with better health and food production.
Students will also take a trip to a working farm to see how food is produced.
Theory assessment covering the theory areas covered in this term and previous terms.
Food provenance
Where foods and ingredients originally come from.
Chemicals sprayed onto plant crops to prevent insect and mould attack and weed growth, and produce strong plants.
Grown ingredients
Plants grown for food (herbs, fruits, vegetables, cereals).
Reared ingredients
Animals, birds and fish specially bred in captivity and brought up to be reared to eat.
Gathered ingredients
Plant foods gathered from the wild for eating (e.g. herb, edible fungi, berries, seaweed).
Caught ingredients
Animals, birds, fish and shellfish hunted and caught from the wild for eating.
Intensive farming
Growing or rearing large numbers of the same type of plant or animals in one place.
Organic farming
Producing food using manure, compost and natural methods of weed, pest and disease control rather than chemicals.
Genetic modification (GM)
A scientific technique that enables a particular characteristic from one plant of animal to be inserted into the genes of another.
Climate change
Changes in the earth’s temperature that can lead to unusual and extreme weather conditions.
Greenhouse gases
Form an insulating layer around the earth’s atmosphere, which traps heat and raises the earth’s temperature.
Non-renewable energy
Energy produced from fossil fuels that cannot be renewed once they are used up.
Fossil fuels
Fuels such as coal, oil and gas that were created over millions of years by fossilised plants and animals.
Carbon footprint
A measure of the contribution of something (e.g. food production) to the emission of greenhouse gases.
Food security
The ability of people to buy sufficient safe, nutritious and affordable food.
Producing food in a way that can be maintained over a long period of time and protects the environment.
A foundation set up to ensure that food producers in developing countries get paid fair prices for their crops and have decent working and living conditions.
Develop the individual:
Wider understanding of the importance of food both personally, socially and environmentally.
Create a supportive community:
Students will work together to ensure a safe and clean working environment. Working collaboratively to cook and clean. Students visit a working farm to show support for the local farming community.
Term 3: Food spoilage and contamination, food safety and food choice. British and international cuisine
In this section you will learn about the following:
- Buying and storing food
- Preparing, cooking and serving food
- Micro-organisms and enzymes
- The signs of food spoilage
- Micro-organisms in food production
- Bacterial contamination
- Traditional British and international cuisines
Written assessment of the theory covered in lessons.
Tiny forms of life, both plants and animals, only visible under a microscope
Food spoilage
Making food unfit and unsafe to eat
Make a food unsafe to eat by allowing it to come into contact with micro-organisms that will grow and multiply in it
Something that is capable of causing illness
Food poisoning
An illness caused by micro-organisms contaminating food
High-risk food
Foods that contain a lot of moisture and nutrients, especially protein (e.g. milk, cream, eggs, meat, fish), and easily support the growth of pathogenic micro-organisms, particularly bacteria. Also called perishable foods
The name given to natural substances in living things that speed up chemical reactions
The process of a fruit or vegetable maturing so that it is ready to eat
Enzymic browning
The discoloration of a fruit or vegetable due to the reaction of enzymes with plant cell substances and oxygen from the air
When substances combine with (pick up) oxygen
This is the process that happens when a spore from a mould starts to grow on a food
A micro-organism that is not harmful to humans and does not cause food poisoning
This means heating fresh milk to 72 degrees C for 15 seconds in order to kill pathogenic micro-organisms that may be in it.
Forcing milk under high pressure through a fine sieve, in order to break up the fat into tiny droplets. This means that the droplets stay suspended in the milk and do not separate out into a layer of cream.
Danger zone
The range of temperatures (5 degrees C to 63 degrees C) that are just right for bacteria to multiply rapidly.
A special protective coating that some types of bacteria grow in the conditions are not the right for them to multiply.
Making a food unsafe to eat by allowing it to come into contact with micro-organisms that will grow and multiply in it.
A style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment.
Develop the individual:
Wider understanding of the importance of food both personally, socially and environmentally. Storing of food correctly to prevent food poisoning. Students will look further afield at different cuisines from around the world as well as closer to home.
Create a supportive community:
Students will work together to ensure a safe and clean working environment. Working collaboratively to cook and clean.
Term 2: Nutritional needs and health, functional and chemical properties of food
You will learn about:
- Making informed food choices for a varied and balanced diet.
- Energy needs
- How to carry out a nutritional analysis
- Diet, nutrition and health
The Food Science; Functional and Chemical Properties of:
- Protein
- Carbohydrate
- Fats and oils
- Raising Agents
Written assessment of theory covered in lessons.
Sensory qualities
the characteristics of a food that give it a particular appearance. Flavour texture, ‘mouthfeel’ (what it feels like, not what it tastes like, when you put it in your mouth) aroma (smell) and sound (some foods are crunchy, crispy or cra
What makes a food acceptable and good to eat
Chemical bonds
Bonds that hold large protein molecules together in compact, folded bundles
The chemical bonds have broken and the protein molecule has unfolded and changed shape
The joining together of lots of denatured protein molecules, which changes the appearance and texture of the food
The swelling of starch granules when they are cooked with a liquid to the point where they burst and release starch molecules
The breaking up of starch molecules into smaller groups of glucose molecules when they are exposed to dry heat
The breaking up of sucrose (sugar) molecules when they are heated, which changes the colour, flavour and texture of the sugar as it turns into caramel
The ability of fat to soften over a range of temperatures and be shaped and spread with light pressure
The ability of fats to shorten the length of the gluten molecules in the pastry
The ability of some fats to trap lots of air bubbles when beaten together with sugar
Either keeping drops of oil or fat suspended in a liquid and preventing them from separating out; or keeping drops of water suspended in an oil or fat and preventing them from separating out
Raising agent
An ingredient or process that introduces a gas into a mixture so that it rises when cooked
Healthy, balanced diet
A diet that contains the correct proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water necessary for good health, to grow properly, be active and maintain a healthy body.
The food that you eat every day. There are also special diets (e.g a low-fat diet, a calorie-controlled diet, a vegetarian diet).
Someone who does not eat meat or fish but will eat milk and milk products.
Life stages
Phases of development that people go through during their life, such as infancy (babyhood), childhood, adolescence (teenagers), adulthood and the elderly.
Units used to measure energy.
Energy dense
A food that contains lots of fats and/or carbohydrate and has a high energy value.
Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy we need to keep our body alive.
this means Physical Activity Level, and is the amount of energy we use for movement and physical activity every day.
Energy Balance
The amount of energy we get from food each day is the same as the amount of energy we use each day.
Change something in a recipe e.g. an ingredient or cooking method to make it more suitable for current guidelines for a healthy diet.
Nutrient profile
The different nutrients that a specific food contains.
Risk Factor
An action or a natural tendency that makes you more likely to develop a disease or health condition.
Having a diet that is not balanced.
Diet-related disease
A disease or health condition where one or more of the risk factors for developing it are what or how much of particular foods or beverages you eat or drink over a period of time.
Develop the individual:
Understanding of additives in food and how this can effect the individual.Importance of diary in the diet.
Create a supportive community:
Students will work together to ensure a safe and clean working environment. Working collaboratively to cook and clean.
Term 5: Factors affecting food choice and sensory evaluation
In this section you will learn:
- what factors influence food choice
- what influences food choice; religion and culture, ethical and moral beliefs and medical conditions
- how and why taste testing is completed
Students will carry out a mock NEA2 to help to prepare them for the assessment in Year 11. Students will analyse the brief given, and will plan and carry out research which will then be analysed. Students will then select appropriate dishes and create a dovetailed timeplan for their 3 hour practical assessment. The students will conclude their project by evaluating, costing, and carrying out nutritional analysis of their dishes with reference to the nutritional needs of their target audience.
The way in which people live, their attitudes, activities, likes and dislikes, beliefs, etc
The time of the year when a particular food crop is ready to harvest and is at its best for flavour, colour and texture. It is also usually cheaper and fresher because there is a lot of it available to buy.
Food miles
The distance traveled by all the ingredients in a food product until it reaches our plate.
Food intolerance
A long-term condition where after several hours or days, certain foods cause a person to feel unwell and have a range of symptoms, but it is usually not life threatening and does not involve the immune system.
Food allergy
This happens to come people when their immune system has a very sensitive reaction to specific foods, which causes severe and potentially life-threatening symptoms that happen very quickly after the food is eaten.
Target group
A specific group of similar people, e.g. all the same age, with similar jobs, such as students.
Nutritional profile
The types and amounts of different nutrients a food contains.
Advertising and promoting a food product to encourage people to buy it.
Food prepared, cooked and served so well that you want to eat it.
The ability of the body to react to things through sight, taste, hearing, smell (aroma) and touch.
Taste buds
Special cells on the tongue that pick up flavours.
Olfactory (smell) receptors
Special cells in the nose that pick up aromas (smells).
Sensory analysis
A way of measuring the sensory qualities of food.
Sensory descriptors
Words used to describe the characteristics of a food.
Develop the individual:
Wider understanding of the importance of food both personally, socially and environmentally. Independently create 3 dishes of various skill cooked under time constraints; keeping to deadlines and working under pressure.
Create a supportive community:
Students will work together to ensure a safe and clean working environment. Working collaboratively to cook and clean.
Term 6: Theory top up and practicals
Students will carry out a mock NEA2 to help to prepare them for the assessment in Year 11. Students will analyse the brief given, and will plan and carry out research which will then be analysed. Students will then complete a range of scientific experiments to reflect the brief given.
Remaining lessons will be devoted to revising topics highlighted by students and teacher that require more revision.
NEA 2 mock: Plan and make 3 dishes in 3 hours
Maintaining clean practice in the kitchen
Non examined assessment
Balanced Diet
Eating a proportioned diet from all 5 food groups
Develop the individual:
Wider understanding of the importance of food both personally, socially and environmentally.
Create a supportive community:
Students will work together to ensure a safe and clean working environment. Working collaboratively to cook and clean.