Term 1 and 2: Key Skills: Camera Skills
In the first two terms of Year 10 Photography, students will be introduced to a variety of camera skills, compositional techniques and inspiring photographers. Students will learn to control Aperture, Shutter speed, and try light painting as well as slow shutter speed portraits. Students will look at photographers such as Alvin Langdon Coburn, Steve McCurry, Rich McCor, David Hockney and Diana Chyrzynska. Students will be introduced to editing photographs to develop their own images.
Students receive regular verbal feedback and spend more time reviewing and refining ideas, to show progression in their creative practice.
Develop the individual:
Working independently and collaborate on ideas. Promoting peer assessment and self-reflection
Create a supportive community:
Appreciate the achievements of other artists Look at the wider world of creative arts/industry
Term 3 and 4: Mini project - 'Distortion'
In Term 3 Students will then complete a teacher led project on the theme of 'Distortion' which is designed in the style of an AQA exam paper. Students will practice a variety of digital editing techniques as well as manual editing and elements of drawing within Photography. They will look at photographers such as Bruno Del Zou, Matt Wizniewski, Richie Velasquez and Kensuke Koike who distort their images in a variety of ways. Students will be asked to research their own photographers and create a unique final response to this project.
Students receive regular verbal feedback and spend more time reviewing and refining ideas, to show progression in their creative practice.
Develop the individual:
Working independently and collaborate on ideas. Promoting peer assessment and self-reflection
Create a supportive community:
Appreciate the achievements of other artists Look at the wider world of creative arts/industry
Term 5 and Term 6: Student led Project - Investigation and Research
In Term 5 students begin a self-led project aimed at building confidence in exploring their own ideas and seeing a project through from start to finish. Students will be given a choice of suggested themes based on past exam starting points. This will be self-directed and students will be expected to generate their own ideas and outcomes with less teacher guidance. This is in preparation for the Exam paper which will be released in January of year 11. Over terms 5 and 6 students will be exploring and investigating their theme, researching and responding creatively to relevant Photographers.
Students will be assessed with regular verbal feedback and have chances to reflect on their practice, planning ways to review and refine the work being created.
This assignment will end with a formal assessment, with a working grade in line with the assessment objectives.
Develop the individual:
Building more resilience and character. Becoming more reflective over their creative practice
Create a supportive community:
Working with others Sharing ideas and supporting each other in the studio
New time: New title
New Description
Develop the individual:
Create a supportive community: