Term 1: Planet Earth, Lunar Disc and The Earth-Moon-Sun System and Time
1. Planet Earth - Students will gain an understanding of the planet Earth and its internal structure. They will learn about the major divisions on Earth’s surface and how its atmosphere affects observations. 2. The Lunar Disc - Students will gain an understanding of the Moon and its surface formations, and be able to identify some of the main features on its surface. Students will study the rotation and revolution of the Moon and the effect of libration. 3. The Earth-Moon-Sun System - Students will gain an understanding of the relationship between the Earth, Moon and Sun and how they affect each other. They will also study tides, precession and eclipses.
1. Planet Earth test - 50 marks 2. Lunar Disc test - 50 marks. 3. The Earth-Moon-Sun System - 50 marks.
Oblate spheroid
A shape resembling a ‘squashed sphere.’ This is the shape of planets and most celestial objects
The very thin (0-70 km) surface layer of the earth
The layer just below the crust making ~80% of Earth’s volume
Prime meridian
The line at which the measurement of longitude starts
The line which splits the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres
Tropic of cancer
Line along which the Sun will be directly overhead at noon on the Summer Solstice
Tropic of capricorn
Line along which the Sun will be directly overhead at noon on the Winter Solstice
North Pole
Point where northern hemisphere meets axis of rotation
South pole
Point where southern hemisphere meets axis of rotation
Light from pollution from artificial sources which affect astronomical observations
Remnant of an impact on the surface
Large plains of cooled lava on the moon formed from ancient asteroid impacts
Hilly, mountainous areas that are higher than maria on the moon’s surface
Elevated areas thrust up from the surface due to impacts
Synchronous rotation
When an orbiting object always shows the same face to the object it is rotating
Oscillation of the moon which means the far side is sometimes visible from earth
The point in the moons orbit where it is closest to the earth
The point in the moons orbit where it is furthest from the earth
Remnants of ancient lava flows
Orbital period
The time it takes for an object to complete one orbit
Rotational period
The time it takes for an object to rotate once on its axis
Spring tide
When the gravitational attraction of the Moon and Sun acts together to form high tides higher than normal and low tides lower than normal
Neap tide
When the gravitational attraction of the Moon and Sun act against each other to form high tides lower than normal and low tides higher than normal
Lunar eclipse
When the Earth lies between the Sun and Moon and casts a shadow on the Moon
Solar eclipse
When the Moon lies between the Earth and Sun and casts a shadow on the Earth
The slow ‘wobbling’ of the Earth’s axis over 26,000 years causing the changing of the pole star
The darkest shadow caused by an eclipse
The lighter shadow caused by an eclipse
Develop the individual:
The learning of astronomy cultivates curiosity, critical thinking, and a profound understanding of our place in the universe. Studying the vast expanse beyond Earth inspires a sense of wonder, encouraging curiosity about the unknown and fostering a mindset open to exploration and lifelong learning. When individuals look up at the night sky or learn about stars and galaxies, they are reminded of the boundless mysteries awaiting discovery. This curiosity is fundamental to intellectual growth, motivating individuals to seek answers, ask questions, and explore the natural world.
Create a supportive community:
The learning of astronomy develops the community by fostering scientific literacy, promoting collaboration, and inspiring a shared sense of identity and responsibility. As community members become more knowledgeable about astronomy, they gain a better understanding of scientific principles and methodologies, which translates into a more informed and scientifically literate society. This awareness is crucial in an age where communities face complex challenges, from climate change to space exploration, and need informed citizens who can engage in science-based discussions and decisions. A community familiar with astronomy, therefore, becomes better equipped to address scientific issues collectively.
Term 2: Time and Earth-Moon-Sun Cycles and Solar System Observation
4. Students will gain an understanding of astronomical definitions and measurements of time. They will study synodic and sidereal time, solstices and equinoxes and the need for time-zones. 5. Solar System Observation - Students will gain an understanding of how to observe the Sun and planets, including the locations of the planets in relation to the Earth and the Sun and safely observing the Sun.
4. Time and Earth-Moon-Sun Cycles test - 50 marks 5. Solar System Observation Test - 50 marks.
Sidereal day
One rotation on the Earth’s axis relative to the stars
Synodic day
One rotation on the Earth’s axis relative to the Sun
Apparent Solar Time (AST)
The time as measured according to the position of the Sun
Mean Solar Time (MST)
The time according to an imaginary Sun which moves across the sky at a constant speed
Equation of Time (EoT)
The difference between Apparent Solar Time and Mean Solar Time
Sidereal month
The time for the Moon to complete one full revolution around the Earth with respect to the background stars
Synodic month
The time between two occurrences of a specific moon phase
The date when the Sun crosses the celestial equator and day/night are approximately the same length
The date when the Sun reaches its maximum/minimum declination in the sky
The part of a sundial which casts a shadow
Time Zone
An area of standard time
The orbital plane of the Earth around the Sun
Retrograde motion
Apparent observed motion of a celestial object opposite in direction to other objects
Point from which the paths of meteors appear to originate
Superior conjunction
Point where an inferior planet is on the opposite side of the Sun
Inferior conjunction
When an inferior planet is at its closest point
When a superior planet is on the opposite side of the celestial sphere to the Sun
Angular distance between a planet and the Sun
Passage of an inferior object across the Sun's disc
Full obscuring of the light of a celestial body by another celestial body
Develop the individual:
The learning of astronomy cultivates curiosity, critical thinking, and a profound understanding of our place in the universe. Studying the vast expanse beyond Earth inspires a sense of wonder, encouraging curiosity about the unknown and fostering a mindset open to exploration and lifelong learning. When individuals look up at the night sky or learn about stars and galaxies, they are reminded of the boundless mysteries awaiting discovery. This curiosity is fundamental to intellectual growth, motivating individuals to seek answers, ask questions, and explore the natural world.
Create a supportive community:
The learning of astronomy develops the community by fostering scientific literacy, promoting collaboration, and inspiring a shared sense of identity and responsibility. As community members become more knowledgeable about astronomy, they gain a better understanding of scientific principles and methodologies, which translates into a more informed and scientifically literate society. This awareness is crucial in an age where communities face complex challenges, from climate change to space exploration, and need informed citizens who can engage in science-based discussions and decisions. A community familiar with astronomy, therefore, becomes better equipped to address scientific issues collectively.
Term 3: Celestial Observation
6. Students will gain an understanding of how to observe a variety of naked-eye astronomical phenomena. They will study how to plan their observations to be at the best time and location, taking into account effects such as weather and light pollution.
6. Celestial Observation Test - 50 marks
Star cluster
A group of stars bound by their mutual gravitational attraction
A collection of millions of stars and planets bound together by gravity
Clouds of gas and dust. The remnants of a star.
Icy body which releases gases when it passes close to the Sun
Curtains of light caused by the solar wind
An official group of stars formed in a distinctive pattern
An unofficial group of stars in a distinctive pattern
Right ascension
Measured in hours and minutes from the First Point of Aries
Measured in degrees upwards from the celestial equator
Measured in degrees upwards from the horizon
Measured in degrees eastwards from north of an observer
Diurnal motion
Apparent motion of the stars in the sky
When a star does not set below the horizon
When a star reaches its highest point in the sky. This occurs due south in the northern hemisphere
Develop the individual:
The learning of astronomy cultivates curiosity, critical thinking, and a profound understanding of our place in the universe. Studying the vast expanse beyond Earth inspires a sense of wonder, encouraging curiosity about the unknown and fostering a mindset open to exploration and lifelong learning. When individuals look up at the night sky or learn about stars and galaxies, they are reminded of the boundless mysteries awaiting discovery. This curiosity is fundamental to intellectual growth, motivating individuals to seek answers, ask questions, and explore the natural world.
Create a supportive community:
The learning of astronomy develops the community by fostering scientific literacy, promoting collaboration, and inspiring a shared sense of identity and responsibility. As community members become more knowledgeable about astronomy, they gain a better understanding of scientific principles and methodologies, which translates into a more informed and scientifically literate society. This awareness is crucial in an age where communities face complex challenges, from climate change to space exploration, and need informed citizens who can engage in science-based discussions and decisions. A community familiar with astronomy, therefore, becomes better equipped to address scientific issues collectively.
Term 4: Early Models of the Solar System and Planetary Motion and Gravity
7. Students will gain an understanding of how ancient civilisations observed the Solar System. They will also study how early astronomers modelled the Solar System. 8. Students will gain an understanding of the motion of the planets around the Sun and the role of gravity. They will study Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and Newton’s law of universal gravitation.
Early Models of the Solar System Test - 50 marks, Planetary Motion and Gravity Test - 50 marks
Model of the solar system where Earth is as the centre
A small circle whose center moves around the circumference of a larger circle
Large circle around the Earth on which an epicycle moves
Model of the solar system with the Sun at the centre
Astronomical unit
The mean distance between the Earth and Sun
Light year
Distance travelled by light in one year
The distance at which 1 AU subtends an angle of 1 arcsecond
A large protractor used to measure the position of celestial objects
A shape similar to an oval. All orbits are ellipses
The measure of how far from a circle an ellipse is
The furthest point from the Sun in an orbit
The closest point to the Sun in an orbit
Develop the individual:
The learning of astronomy cultivates curiosity, critical thinking, and a profound understanding of our place in the universe. Studying the vast expanse beyond Earth inspires a sense of wonder, encouraging curiosity about the unknown and fostering a mindset open to exploration and lifelong learning. When individuals look up at the night sky or learn about stars and galaxies, they are reminded of the boundless mysteries awaiting discovery. This curiosity is fundamental to intellectual growth, motivating individuals to seek answers, ask questions, and explore the natural world.
Create a supportive community:
The learning of astronomy develops the community by fostering scientific literacy, promoting collaboration, and inspiring a shared sense of identity and responsibility. As community members become more knowledgeable about astronomy, they gain a better understanding of scientific principles and methodologies, which translates into a more informed and scientifically literate society. This awareness is crucial in an age where communities face complex challenges, from climate change to space exploration, and need informed citizens who can engage in science-based discussions and decisions. A community familiar with astronomy, therefore, becomes better equipped to address scientific issues collectively.
Term 5: Exploring the Moon and Solar Astronomy
9. Students will gain an understanding of the Moon, its internal structure and features on the far side. They will study how the constant drive to improve the accuracy, detail and range of observations has provided a context for the exploration of the Moon. 10. Students will gain an understanding of the structure of the Sun, its energy production process and the solar wind. Students will also use sunspot data to determine information about the Sun’s rotation period and the solar cycle.
Paper 1 - Naked Eye Astronomy (End of Year Exam) - 100 marks, Exploring the Moon test - 50 marks, Solar Astronomy Test - 50 marks
Escape velocity
The minimum velocity to escape the gravitational attraction of a celestial body
Giant Impact Hypothesis
Theory for the creation the Moon that involved a collision between the Earth and a protoplanet
Capture theory
The idea the Moon was formed somewhere else in the solar system and was captured by Earth's gravity
Co-accretion theory
Idea that Moon and Earth may have formed independently at the same time
H-Alpha filter
Filter placed on a telescope that only allows a narrow band of wavelengths to pass through
Radiative zone
Layer of the Sun in which thermal energy is transferred by photons
Convective zone
Layer of the Sun in which thermal energy is transferred by convection
The outermost layer of the Sun from which light is radiated
An area on the photosphere with a reduced temperature due to the effects of the Sun's magnetic field
Solar Wind
A stream of charged particles coming from the Sun
Second layer of the Sun's atmosphere, just above the photosphere
Outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere
Develop the individual:
The learning of astronomy cultivates curiosity, critical thinking, and a profound understanding of our place in the universe. Studying the vast expanse beyond Earth inspires a sense of wonder, encouraging curiosity about the unknown and fostering a mindset open to exploration and lifelong learning. When individuals look up at the night sky or learn about stars and galaxies, they are reminded of the boundless mysteries awaiting discovery. This curiosity is fundamental to intellectual growth, motivating individuals to seek answers, ask questions, and explore the natural world.
Create a supportive community:
The learning of astronomy develops the community by fostering scientific literacy, promoting collaboration, and inspiring a shared sense of identity and responsibility. As community members become more knowledgeable about astronomy, they gain a better understanding of scientific principles and methodologies, which translates into a more informed and scientifically literate society. This awareness is crucial in an age where communities face complex challenges, from climate change to space exploration, and need informed citizens who can engage in science-based discussions and decisions. A community familiar with astronomy, therefore, becomes better equipped to address scientific issues collectively.
Term 6: Exploring the Solar System
11. Students will investigate the main bodies in the Solar System and their characteristics. They will gain understanding that the constant drive to improve the accuracy, detail and range of observations has provided a context for the invention of the telescope, the development of the space telescope and probes to the outer reaches of our Solar System and has provided a context for the manned exploration of the Moon.
Exploring the Solar System Test - 50 marks
Dwarf planet
A celestial body, bigger than an asteroid, but not large enough to be considered a planet
The central part of a comet containing rock, dust and ice
Envelope of gas around a comet
Ion tail
Tail of ionised radiation coming from a comet
Kuiper belt
Region of icy object beyond the orbit of Neptune
Gas giant
Large planets primarily consisting of gas
Refracting telescope
Telescope that primarily uses lenses to focus light
Reflecting telescope
Telescope that primarily uses mirrors to focus light
The opening on a telescope through which light can enter
Field of View
Circle of the sky which can be viewed through the eyepiece
Chromatic aberration
Failure of a lens to focus all colours of light on to a single point
Fly by
Space probe which passes close to a celestial body to examine it
Space probe which orbits around a body to examine it
Space probe designed to impact a celestial body at high force
Space probe designed to land on a celestial body
Develop the individual:
The learning of astronomy cultivates curiosity, critical thinking, and a profound understanding of our place in the universe. Studying the vast expanse beyond Earth inspires a sense of wonder, encouraging curiosity about the unknown and fostering a mindset open to exploration and lifelong learning. When individuals look up at the night sky or learn about stars and galaxies, they are reminded of the boundless mysteries awaiting discovery. This curiosity is fundamental to intellectual growth, motivating individuals to seek answers, ask questions, and explore the natural world.
Create a supportive community:
The learning of astronomy develops the community by fostering scientific literacy, promoting collaboration, and inspiring a shared sense of identity and responsibility. As community members become more knowledgeable about astronomy, they gain a better understanding of scientific principles and methodologies, which translates into a more informed and scientifically literate society. This awareness is crucial in an age where communities face complex challenges, from climate change to space exploration, and need informed citizens who can engage in science-based discussions and decisions. A community familiar with astronomy, therefore, becomes better equipped to address scientific issues collectively.